Spoon Revolution
Revolution! One with the pen, another with the sword; ours is with the spoon. We know they have put meat on your dish. Well, now it's time to take it off!
Some choose the option of taking up arms, others prefer to do their part with the pen, diplomacy or whatever. For now, let us not be concerned with choosing the proper tools for all the factions. The important thing is that their intentions are pure and sincere..
So What is This About?
People get active for a variety of causes: they march for peace, establish a party, support a politician, engage in international lobbying, defend or denounce their homeland, protect birds, attempt coup d'etats with weapons, march against bullfighting, conspire against authority, seek self-defense, pay or refuse to pay taxes, impose their own taxes, set a good example for their children, etc. The point here is not to discuss whether people should or should not continue doing these things, but to show how putting an end to meat-eating is completely in line with any of their noble principles.
You can achieve much more by taking meat off your dish than by participating in marches, politics or charity. It is quicker than managing resources, easier than saving the pink dolphin of the Amazon River, and more effective than giving your blank vote. The results are direct and free of any collateral damage.
This is a daily revolution, persistent, effective, and yielding immediate results. There is no need of weapons, there is no blood to be spilled (on the contrary). There are no risks to be taken, and even the story teller or the policeman can take part.
The consumption of meat or flesh seriously harms the planet and this significantly contributes to the hunger of the world. It is a reality that very few know.
Apparently the animals are feeding us, but a less superficial look will show us that we are feeding the animals instead of feeding ourselves.
The cattle is one of the main polluting agents. Every second 125 tons of residues are generated from the meat industry. These pollute the rivers and produce toxic gases like ammoniac, methane and carbon dioxide, polluting the atmosphere, affecting the ozone field and contributing to the hothouse effect.
More than the half of the consumed water in the world is used in the cattle business and watering lands to obtain food for the cattle. While to produce one kilogram of meat more than 20.000 liters of water are necessary, for a kilogram of wheat only 227 liters are necessary, and for a kilogram of rice 454 liters are necessary.
The production of meat is the cause of the massive deforestation of the tropical forests and their posterior conversion into deserts. 300.000 square kilometers of tropical forests are destroyed every year as a consequence of the need of grass for the cattle business. A vegetarian saves 4.000 square meters of trees in one year.
To produce 1 kg of protein by growing animals one uses 25 times more energetic resources and natural than to produce the same quantity of vegetal protein. The production of only one hamburger uses fossil fuels equivalent to the necessary ones to drive a small car along 32 km, or the water enough for 17 showers.
"From early age, I have hated the use of meat, and there will be the day on which men will see the killing of animals like now they see the killing of men" Leonardo Da Vinci

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- septiembre (1)
Why This Revolution?
Benefits of joining the revolution
A vegetarian diet provides a variety of proven health benefits. In recent years, vegetarianism has been associated with decreased risk of obesity, constipation, lung cancer and alcoholism. Furthermore, vegetarianism may be associated with reduced risk for hypertension, coronary artery disease, non-insulin-dependent diabetes and gallstones. Some evidence exists that a vegetarian diet may reduce risk for breast cancer, diverticular disease, colon cancer, calcium-containing kidney stones, osteoporosis and dental caries.
To date, health benefits associated with vegetarianism have not been linked to any one specific dietary or lifestyle factor. Individuals adhering to these diets often follow healthful lifestyle practices. Traditional vegetarians abstain from caffeine-containing products, spices and alcoholic beverages. Some avoid refined foods and most do not smoke. Similarly, a large percentage of new vegetarians abstain totally from alcohol and smoking, while participating in physical exercise and stress-lowering activities.
Vegetarians, notably vegans, have been reported to be leaner than non-vegetarians, although one study of young adults reported similar weights and heights. Leanness among vegetarians may be due to decreased energy intakes resulting from replacement of meat by less energy-dense foods such as fruit, vegetables and legumes.
Vegetarian diets have been credited with decreasing the incidence of severity of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diverticular, osteoporosis and cancer of the breast, colon, prostate and lung.
In general, both morbidity and mortality rates for coronary artery disease are lower among vegetarians than non-vegetarians, possibly because of better blood lipid profiles. The vegetarian diet may lead to a decrease in plasma cholesterol and an increase in the ratio of high-density lipoprotein to low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Vegetarian diets contain a higher ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids, which may reduce platelet aggregation and blood clotting, possibly by altering the fatty acid composition of blood platelets.
A low-fat, high-fiber diet has been shown to have beneficial effects on the management of non-insulin-dependent diabetes. In addition, the diabetic's high risk for cardiovascular disease may be reduced by such a diet.
The revolution is between you and your plate.
What you eat has social and political consequences that you are unaware. Your spoon is the best weapon. Learn why dish out the meat may be more effective to do political marches or charity.